Words disable. Words enable.
Power of Words (Parts I and II)
#WordsStick: The Power of Words (Part 1)
#WordsStick: The Power of Words (Part 2)
"Words do more than describe ideas... they create how we think about things."
-Anne Henly, Ph.D., Psychologist
In the day and age where there are countless mediums to say whatever you want to whomever, it begs the question, do those words have consequences?
#WordsStick is a campaign designed to spread awareness and generate conversation about the power and impact of words. This project includes two commercial/PSA videos where 12 strangers discuss the most hurtful and encouraging phrases that have been said to them throughout their lives.
The campaign gets personal with local celebrities and social media influencers as they share their stories about the words that have stuck with them-- and why.
And a psychology professor with the University of Chicago--who studies language-- sheds light on why some words and phrases that are said to us actually do stick.
Join the conversation by sharing a positive or hurtful phrase that’s been said to you using the hashtag #WordsStick on social media and don't forget to like @YourWordsStick on Facebook and @YourWordsStick on Instagram.